Mr. Manmohan Singh, the President of India has recently reviewed the 'nuclear disaster preparedness of India'..
Q: What did he actually review?
Ans: Reviewed the details presented to him by his assisting officials and advisers.
Q: What did the advisers prepare and present?
Ans: What they perceived as that which their boss wanted.
Q: What did their boss (Prime Minister) want?
Ans: The proposed new Private Sector Nuclear Plants in collaboration with U.S.A. and France have to take off. The P.M. wants an assurance that all is hunky-dory with the agreements India has entered with those countries and their suppliers. He wants an assurance that India can easily and safely live in the midst of the junk nuclear plants delivered by the overseas suppliers.
Q: How do you know that Officials and Advisers fed to the PM all that is rosy and hid all that is risky?
Ans: Otherwise, their jobs will not stand or get extended.
Q: Why are you writing this in a 'Management Issues Blog'? You should have written it in the Indian Politics Blog.
Ans: This example applies not only to Indian Politics, but also to the Business Management Issues globally, apart from the Politics of different countries.
Employees whose jobs are at peril or in jobs which need constant upliftment, are bound to produce status and progress reports which satisfy not only their bosses, but also the bosses of their bosses and the bosses of the bosses of the bosses of the bosses.
Bosses too need such employees only. Reason: They might have already taken decisions and arrived at conclusions. They need only that which bolsters their conclusions and decisions.
This happens both in businesses and Politics.
The Trainers in Management Institutes and Business Schools have, therefore, to make this aspect very clear, to their apprentices. Or else, the trainees go out with great hopes and end up as a square pegs in round holes when they face the actual work situations with their bosses.
Either Business Schools should tune to the Business Environmental Needs, howsoever implausible and principle-less they may be - or - the C.E.O.s have to accept true business scholars trained on Ralph Waldo Emerson's 'The Great American Scholar' model.
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