News Reports indicate that Ms. D. Purandeswari, Fromer Union Minister of State, in UPA Government has been appointed as an Non-Official Independent Director of the Ailing Indian Maharaja Airline : AIR INDIA. Link for those who wish to read the news: Click, if you wish to go to: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/d-purandeswari-appointed-independent-director-on-board-of-air-india/article24994138.ece. Her term is said to be three years.
Question: What could be the possible reason for setting her term as three years, when Air India is on Sale? Is GOI confident that Air India cannot be sold away within three years?
Ans: Possible. Or it may be a routine practice of the Central Cabinet, to approve appointments for three years.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views, not intended to be imposed on others:
Or, if "UhalE vihangAlu aitE" (English equivalent for the Telugu phrase: If imaginations become high flying swans), it can even be to tempt her not to leave BJP, if BJP loses power. We should remember how swiftly she cruised into BJP, the moment Congress was losing the throne in 2014 Parliament Elections? The Top Congress Leaders may not be dis-trusting her. Hence if Congress gains power in 2019, she could again jump back to Congress. To prevent that, she might have been offered the bait of "Non-Official Independent Director in Air India".
To retain her post in Air-India, if she is unable to get any better post, after 2019, if Congress wins, she may again jump back to Congress. How can BJP prevent it? India is a country of High Jumpers and Long Jumpers. Didn't Lord Hanuman hop 1500kms. of Sea from Vindhyas to Shri Lanka, as per Ramayana?
From The Hindusthan Business Lines website , a quote:
"... The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved her appointment as non-official independent director on the board of Air India Ltd. for a period of three years, the order issued by the Personnel Ministry said, without citing any other details such as profession or background of the person. ..."
Persons need qualifications, pass written tests, face tough interviews, only to become Attenders in Central Government. For becoming HRD Ministers, or Air-India Directors, no qualifications will be necessary. No experience of "Management" either in the Related Industry, or some other Industry will be needed.
As per the website: Click here to go to https://archive.india.gov.in/govt/loksabhampbiodata.php?mpcode=4022, she is:--
B.A. (Literature) and Graduate in Gemology Educated at South Indian Educational Trust and Women College, Chennai and Gemological Institute of India, Tamil Nadu.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views not intended to be imposed on others:
So get a Certificate in Gemology. Become a Director in Air India, to send Air India to the Scrap Yard.
Incomplete. Shall add/delete/modify.
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